Thunderbolt Chickamauga Indian Nation
Citizenship Application

Note: Since we are not a federal tribe, we do not receive checks from the government and the tribe does not issue any either.

Please Print and Mail To:

Thunderbolt Chickamauga Indian Nation
309 S. Apple Road
Osceola, Indiana 46561

Note: Since we are not a federal tribe, we do not receive checks from the government and the tribe does not issue any either.

Name: ______________________________________ DOB: ______
Address: _____________________________
City: ___________________________State::________ Zip Code: _______
Spouse: ____________________
Phone: _______ email: __________________________________
Mother: ___________________ Father: ____________________

Maternal grandparents:
Grandmother: ____________ Grandfather: _________________

Maternal great grandparents
Grandmother: ____________ Grandfather: _________________

Paternal grandparents
Grandmother: ____________ Grandfather: _________________

Paternal great grandparents
Grandmother: ____________ Grandfather: _________________

Your Children
Child: ___________________________________________ DOB: ______
Please add any other children on the back of this Application

Signature: __________________________ Date: ____________
Notary: ____________________________ Date: ____________

Note: Since we are not a federal tribe, we do not receive checks from the government and the tribe does not issue any either.

Please include your genealogy back to your Native ancestor, Fill out completely and mail to above address. Thank you!